Nourishing the bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits of our local coastal community.

Now Available!!!
Second Helpings:
A new collection of recipes by
the Helping Hands of Round Pond, Maine
Cookbooks are on sale at the Granite Hall Store,
Round Pond Coffee, and King Ro Market.
$25 each cash, or check made out to Helping Hands of Round Pond.
The video of the Evening with Heather Cox Richardson is now available!
Benefit for the Round Pond Meetinghouse
Click here for the YouTube link.
Thank you for your support!

The Round Pond Meetinghouse
is the home of the Helping Hands of Round Pond, and a resource and community space at the top of the hill in the center of Round Pond village.
We are committed to bringing together and encouraging people from all traditions and affiliations, and people who have no affiliation.
The Round Pond Meetinghouse is currently under construction while we restore this historic 1852 Greek Revival structure.
Check out the Building Committee
See renovation progress photos

Upcoming Community Events
Check out the calendar page to see all events
Hot Dogs at the Parade
Meetinghouse Lawn
11:00 AM
An Evening with Heather Cox Richardson
Lincoln Theater
7:00 PM
Annual Ice Cream Social
Lawn in front of Round Pond Green

PO Box 114
Round Pond, ME, 04564